Monday, March 13, 2006

i did it

I went to the hospital yesterday. I woke up feeling exactly as I had the day before and knew it wasn't going to fix itself. Beard called DaeYoung and he told us which hospital would have an English speaking doctor.
We walked in and were directed to the ER--it being Sunday the doctors' offices were closed. A woman there--doctor? nurse? told me I have sinusitis and tonsilitis and something with my ears but I'm not sure b/c I can't hear well and she didn't pronounce correctly. ANYWAY. She gave me some meds--after Beard remembered to tell her I was allergic to penicillin (man he's nice to have around) and told me to come back on Tuesday to an ear, nose, and throat doctor if I wasn't better. It's Monday night now and I don't see better coming. The meds came in little dosage packets. There were 2 tylenols, one little round yellow, one long blue capsule, one pink coated half capsule, and one aspirin sized white one. I was to take one packet 3 times a day. I have and they don't alleviate the symptoms as well as the ones from the pharmacy.
I've been drinking tea--green tea, honey ginger tea, orange marmalde tea, and oj and water. Eungyung made me fish soup and side dishes today--I learned what the little squares of seaweed are for. You wrap them around a ball of rice and eat it. Pretty good. She made me eat the whole table full of food. Her boyfriend said she should cook for me "since my mom's house is so far away." I thought that was cute.
Last night we rented 2 movies--let me rephrase that--2 second halves of 2 movies. They had to be the second halves of course. So we now know how million dollar baby ends and we know what happens near the end of gangs in new york. humph. oh well.
Ok. I'm going to put some rice on and try to convince Beard to make soup when he gets home.
In case you're wondering--the hospital visit w/ meds included was 59,000 won. ($59)

1 comment:

katie said...

Hope you feel better- peanut butter cookies are on the way!