Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Finally on vacation. Test is over. Sitting near/on beach all day long. I dove today for the first time in over a year. Was great. I find myself getting bored/antsy after about 25 minutes and ready to head up. Luckily that was about the time we saw some huge needlefish that held my attention again. The water was warm and there wasn't too much current. We had to swim at the surface to find a place to walk up on the beach--wasn't too excited about that. I'll take a boat any day!
The food is fabulous. We can eat Indonesia food cooked by locals for super cheap--under $3 for the two of us--or eat western food for a little more expensive--between 5-6 bucks. beer is between 1.50 and 1.80 for a big bottle. we're saving money on water (which we both drink a ton of) by refilling our old bottles for 25-30cents. Our bunglow (including breakfast) is 8bucks a night. We have 2 big beds, a ceiling fan, a porch, and our own bathroom--sans hot water.
So far neither of us have had many bug bites, thankfully. and we're supposed to be taking malaria meds but keep forgetting. chickens, ducks, and cats roam freely here but everyone seems to be healthy expect hte cat that pesters us at breakfast. we've named him plague ball.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

i can't believe

I'm intentionally returning to a country where this happens. (the people picketing, notice in the picture the young child, not the settlement)
christian values--love your neighbor always gets thrown out the window.;_ylt=Aq5RbhBxU0TUK2ulFgXqINME1vAI