Monday, August 27, 2007

games i play

here are a few of the games i play with my kids along with the lessons in their books. they are very simple but they love them.
1. erase the number game. (mostly with the littles/beginners) i write a series of numbers on the board, say 20-40, then i have one of them erase a number. if he/she erases the correct one, he/she gets to roll the dice. the number rolled is the amt of points he/she gets. the wee ones LOVE it b/c they get to use the board eraser AND the die. and of course there is standing up and running after the die.

2. sticky ball tic-tac-toe. i draw a tic-tac-toe board on the board and divide the class into 2 teams, X's and O's. X's read the question, O's answer and then the rock paper scissors to see who gets to throw first. If an O lands on a square with an X in it, he/she rock paper scissors to see if they can change the X to an O. We play till we run through the questions or a team wins.

3. dice/number game. this one i pulled directly from my nether regions when my kids were sick of basketball game. i drew 2 smaller tic-tac-toe boards and wrote numbers 1-6 in them, with doubles of some numbers. 1-6 b/c of the numbers on the die. they are divided into 2 teams, one for each board. they ask and answer a question, rock paper scissors and throw the sticky ball. the game ends when finished with the lesson and we count to see who has the fewest numbers left. winners get one point more than losers.

4. basketball game. i put X's on the floor and assign points to them. sometiems the kids are in teams, sometimes they get points themselves for making the basket. i make them bounce it a certain number of times or no bouncing. they have to read the dialogue or the question and answer and if they get it correct, they try to make a basket. 2 chances.

5. snake game/tree game/race game. i draw random things on the board with lines thru them. the kids read the lesson and if correct, roll the die and erase the number of lines, fruit on the tree, dots to get to the finish line.

6. jump game. there are 2 versions. one is joan's. i write 2 categories on the board and have half the class line up in front of me. i say a word, they jump to the side the correct category is listed. after 4-5 words, the kids still in line get some points. will's game. the kids read whatever they have to correctly or answer a question correctly and then have to jump as far as the can. the one who jumps the furthest, gets the most points. i change it up without telling them and the second time have the one who jumps the closest getting the most points. they LOVE that. (ha)

7. writing game. this can be done with anything. 2 kids run up, grab the marker and write whatever you tell them. spelling words, numbers, answers to questions, questions to answers, lines of the reading book, the next line in a dialogue. it's great. and it takes a while. markers on the other hand, tend to wear out quickly.

8. bounce game. again for those sick of basket ball game. i make up a random bounce combination. ex. once on the floor, then the palm of the hand, then the ceiling, then the board. they do it as many times as they can in a row after reading from the book, answering a question, spelling, etc, and get that many points.

9. switch game. best in small classes of kids all about the same size/demeanor. i can only play this in one class so far. i put hte desks like musical chairs, one less than the kids. then i do a rhyme to pick a kid to start. i have he/she write a number, answer a question, give a word with a certain letter sound, etc. then i yell SWITCH and they all try to get in a desk. the one who doesn't has to answer a question or whatever.

10. sticky ball game. i draw some random shape on the board, draw a bunch of lines thru it and write in numbers, positive and negative. i put the kids in 2 teams and have them try to wind by throwing the sticky ball at the numbers after doing the exercize in the book.

i have a few more games but i can't remember them right now. these games are really fun at first and then boring. first for the teacher and then the kids. it takes a while for the younger ones to get bored. then i have to think of alternatives. it usually happens on the spot.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

happiness is...

coming home to a clean bathroom.

something else that makes me happy: