Wednesday, January 17, 2007

usual wednesday

wow. i started typing tuesday and believed it was still tuesday for a bit. but NO it's wednesday and it's almost over meaning i have successfully made it over the hump once again! i even made it to the gym monday tuesday and this morning! 3 for 3. although i'm thinking of skipping tomorrow. probably not a good idea, i know. however, i'm going hiking saturday morning so perhaps i'll count that as my 5th day at the gym for the week. we'll see how i feel when i get up. this morning i was up before my alarm.
action packed weekend itinerary:
friday night--will's in town for one night before going back to anyang to attend a job interview.
saturday day--hiking with segyero's teachers and perhaps also having lunch with them.
saturday night--going to the opening weekend of a new restaruant in shinpyeong called fish and grill. one of eungyung's friend's is the owner. i met him before at a fish and grill in songmo dong.
sunday--meet angie in daegu, go to electronics market to hopefully get a case for my old hard drive and perhaps make a trip to costco. we're out of cheese. i also want to see if they have mac and cheese as my supplies are dwindling--only one packet left!

yummmm cheesy goodness.

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