Friday, June 02, 2006

bad morning

I have to send in my laptop to get it fixed. I don't want to and have been putting it off for over a week. Beard took me to the post office--where I was told they would box it up and ship it. I went in, stood in the foreigners only line-i was hte only foreigner. The woman said it was dangerous and I shouldn't send it. She calls DHL, they won't ship it either. I try calling Angie--no answer. I try calling Eungyung--no answer but a text 2 seconds later just saying why. I was very frustrated and confused. I called Pak and he talked to the woman. Then to me--she can't understand your speaking. I can't understand her either, hence calling you. He talks to her again. Then back to me. I just keep saying my computer is broken, I need to send it to seoul. she said its too dangerous and tells me to go to another place but she isn't telling me where it is. He talks to her again. Back to me. you have to go to anohter place. um yes, i just told you that. do you know where the place is? does anyone know where this place is. pak says he will send it. i think he can sense my pending tears of frustration. the woman gives me a phone number--uselesss since i don't speak korean.

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