Tuesday, May 30, 2006

biking it again

does everyone really know neve campell? i know that spelling can't be right but if i hadnt seen her picture i wouldn't have known. we're watching a bio of THE kevin bacon. man i love him. and I KNEW there were dance doubles in footloose--we proved it with the toggle on jen's remote back in the day.

tomorrow we're on our way out on the bike again. this time to gyeongju. it's a much longer ride but we're giving ourselves much more time. and beard will remember to get gas more often this time. this time will will have joan on the back. its her first long ride. i hope shes not too nervous and i hope will rides slower for her. i'm sure he will.

im excited to go. its a cheap way to see the country. and it's MUCH nicer than the train, you can stop wherever you want, whenever you want to take pictures or whatnot.

as soon as i get my computer up, or beard's off his long enough, i'll post some pictures here.
patience people.


traci said...

no...she was supposed to go on the back of will's bike but got nervous and stayed home. i'm not ready for my own. i'm just barely comfortable riding!

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