Thursday, June 15, 2006

I'm Back!

I was having some technical difficulties--still am--but I really should post again.
Last night I ordered a mac laptop. I have a feeling it's going to be one of the best things I've done electronics wise. We'll see. I am very excited. Jen is going to bring it here with her when she comes and is going ot take the old one home when she leaves. THANKS JEN!! I owe you. You will be handsomely rewarded.
Goings on here--not much. It rained all day yesterday. Korea Times says monsoon season (yes, I said monsoon season) will start next week and continue for about a month. That should be fun.
Last weekend we went to a mountain called juwangsan for a short hike. It was NICE. no people! well, 3 or 4 people, but dispersed! not in huge groups listening to their cellphone mp3s! happy day! even better is that it's in gumi and a short ride. downside, on the walk up you can hear the dog farms. i hate that.
I tried posting a picture--didn't work. I'll try again later.
We've been watching world cup. Psycho has the big screen which is nice. During the week we watch at home. First match begins at 10pm, last one starts at 4am. I'm usually asleep half way into the second and have to check the stats in the morning.
I've started going back to the gym. I really do like going, I just hit a lazy patch. I have also made 2 batches of potato salad. We could live off that stuff. I took some into the teachers, they weren't quite sure what it was but liked it. These were the same ladies who were surprised cauliflower tasted good raw.
I hate to see just writing but the pictures wouldn't load--it's not my fault!
More to come.

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