Friday, May 11, 2007

still here

not much to post lately. just working, studying, working and wait, what is that other thing i do? oh yeah STUDYING. and lately, actually 3 times this week, i've been watching a movie after studying and working on ainsley's (leah's baby) blanket. yes, she is a year old--or almost, but come on! it takes a while. and i'm doing these strips so i have to change color and the pink is being all dumb. but at least i'm working on it again and that's what counts. i already told leah she'd get it before she graduates high school and that's still my goal.
we're still thinking about where to go for vacation. we had chosen indonesia for sure but then realized it would be the rainy season and the diving might not be so good. Then we were thinking Philippines but found out it will have comparable weather. So, I think we're back to Indonesia.
Something I would like to go off on a bit: emails and the people who answer them. Last week I sent emails to 3 companies: DHL, ETS, and WECU. I asked DHL if they ship laptops internationally and what the process is for doing so. I asked ETS what hte best way is to sign up and pay for a test date. I told WECU the status of my travler's checks and to email me when they were received. I filled out their stupid forms before each email, I put in all information they would need. From DHL i got an email saying to go to a specific part of their website to get started. No yes or no, procedures. From ETS I got an email that said paper tests are available where computer-based tests are not and the dates for said tests. That is NO WHERE NEAR the answer to my question. I went through their whole website, i KNOW about the paper tests. And from WECU I got an email saying teh woman didn't have my account number (i had put it in the email) so she could not montior my account but that i could use online banking. NO shit?! i can use online banking?! wow, thanks! you're so helpful.
What is going on here? I ask read the FAQs looking for my answer first, I ask specific questions, I give needed information. Do people not read the whole email and just assume what I need? I tried emailing ETS again but I think I'll end up calling. I'm going to have Beard call WECU and as for DHL, i'm waiting on it. I don't need to ship anything for another 6 mos.
on a happier note--it's friday again! I am really tired of teaching little little kids and I don't know how people can do it all the time, as in more than a year. The 40 minutes drag on. They want to play the same games over and over. And the snot that just pours out of them...i don't even want to think about where it all that it's nice out, i'm going to take them outside!
tonight i'm going to drink beer with eungyung. don't know where or what time but i'm pretty sure it's still happening. i'm hoping we can cook out again on sunday. we haven''t had ireland over yet. they are always traveling when we have one.

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