Wednesday, April 04, 2007

new camera

i treated myself to a new camera this past weekend. canon IXY. it's the same as a canon ixus 850, but japanese version. i think the ixus is korean. in the states its the SD version. ANYWAY it's great and i love it. much much much faster and better than my old camera. not that anything was wrong with my old camera, i was ready for a change. here are some pictures from it.

i treated myself to a new camera this past weekend. canon IXY. it's the same as a canon ixus 850, but japanese version. i think the ixus is korean. in the states its the SD version. ANYWAY it's great and i love it. much much much faster and better than my old camera. not that anything was wrong with my old camera, i was ready for a change. here are some pictures from it.

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