Monday, August 28, 2006

packing moving packing moving

all we ever do.
christa left sunday. i miss her already. she sent me a message from bangkok--very nice--and told me to not pack as much as i was thinking of packing b/c clothes are cheap there and good quality. sweet.
also talked to krista today. its fine for us to stay at her apt friday night and leave from there for hte airport--theres a shuttle near her apt, super. well get into seoul friday morning, drop bags at her place, go shopping in the city, crash at her place, wake up and GO. i cant believe its already happening!
i also cant believe the STUFF we have. seems like weve made several trips to drop stuff off and we still have more! beardll finish it off tomorrow while im tutoring and well treat ourselves for lunch. tomorrow night i have to tutor then come home and clean a little--not too much bc the buildings going ot be torn down soon and im pretty sure hte new teacher is oging to continue living with her boyfriend. no need to deep clean if no ones moving in. the place was a hole when we got here...
wednesday night were going to psycho, thursday morning repacking bag for home. thursday night, hopefully going out to eat and then to bed early so we can be on our way at a decent time.
its crazy to think of leaving even though were coming back. ive grown so accustomed to things here. being home is going to be weird. no miming, understanding whats going on around you. not quite sure if im ready.

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