Tuesday, June 24, 2008

lummi "adventure"

Beard, Kath and I went to Lummi Island this Sunday to ride the 7 mile northern loop. Where I have lived in the past, no one would think of asking me if I rode my bike to the ferry--hell no. What? Seven miles isn't enough for you people?! And, in case you haven't noticed by all the crosses on the side of the road, not a very safe place to drive. Ride--no.
We get to the ferry parking, it's fairly packed, probably b/c you can leave your car there for FIVE days, free. We wait in line; the order being: pedestrians, cars, bikes. BUT-the laugh's on YOU pedestrians, we with our bikes are only THREE bucks each, you with your measly feet are FOUR bucks.
It was a perfect day--little wind, sun, pretty wispy clouds, the water sparkling. Of course we took a lot of pictures and laughed at ourselves and those around us.

the ferry

a beach on the northern side of the island

me and beard

the scenery

who loves her honey bowker?

me and kath showing our athletic ability riding uphill. it may LOOK flat...it;s an illusion.

Here's a link: http://www.lummi-island.com/


Anonymous said...

2 things.

1. can you email me that picture of you and beard. i like it and would like to perhaps frame it

2. the video of you and kath is hilarious. i love how kath can't even ride in a straight line

Anonymous said...

Nice riding...can't remember the last time I was on a bike!! You are waayyy too ambitious!