Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday again

Yesterday flew by and it's Friday again! On Fridays I have 8 classes, but then I'm free for 2 days. No waking up early, no frickin ding dong. No Korean teachers talking through me while I'm sitting at my desk, no points.
This weekend I need to get a new pair of sunglasses. The one's I got when I moved to Bellingham are shot. I can still wear them but the lenses are so scratched it's not even funny. Luckily, glasses are cheap here.
Tuesday we had a day off, national holiday, celebrating what I'm not sure. Jenny, Ken, and I went to Daegu to eat and get haircuts. I finally found someone who would give me the haircut I want without sucking teeth and saying, No, no, too short. Or, the famous, I don't think so. We found a place called The Classy of Hair. Nice. When I sat down, Eric (korean name?) asked what I thought of the place, I said it was comfortable and he said, classy? I said, oh yeah. He gave me the exact cut I've been trying to get for a few months. I even bought shampoo from him.

After this, I came home b/c I had an "appointment."

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