Thursday, May 18, 2006

why do i do 8 things at once

I'm a bit scatterbrained. Beard and i were talking today and we've come to the conclusion that that is the reason why we can't keep our apartment clean. We both go from starting one project, then anohter, then another without cleaning up after or finishing the first. Right now I am cutting out pictures from a magazine to use in my class. Just before that I was going to take off eye make up but only got so far as to get the cleanser and the cotton doodads over to the table. I sat on my bed and saw my computer so I turned it on. Instead of taking the time it takes to start to continue with the makeup taking offing, my little eye spied the magazine, which led to me needing to find hte scissors which led me to put half hte dishes away in the kitchen. Upon finding the scissors, I came back to the computer, opened my email and in the 2 seconds it took to open that I started cutting. I have one picture so far.
I don't know how the blogging started.
Even while typing that I had the urge to cut out anohter picture. Perhaps it's ADD...
1. tomorrow am-- go to gym and then to lotte mart.
2. buy crap we need, try to find short pants.
3. meet angie and see her exhibit, eat lunch.
4. teach children the ins and outs of the english language.
5. this where it's fuzzy. we might eat in bongguk or maybe not...

1. go for long ride on motorcycle.
2. hopefully find mountain we are looking for.
3. eat lunch
5. get back to Gumi around 5 to go to new Ariana buffet in Gong dan.
6. drink a lot of brewery beer and eat some random food they have on buffet.
7. this could lead to anything really.

1. sssslllleeeepppp in.
2. order pizza to cures what ails us.
3. possibly find a soccer game if one is going on.
4. chill til the next episode.

We got pictures of ROSALIE today!! For those that don't know we have the cutest god child in the WHOLE WORLD. and now we also have her 2 yr pictures. Her bday was in Dec but there's been some craziness happening in their neck of the woods.

Jen, Suzie, and I are putting hte finishing touches on their upcoming trip. So far we're going to go to Busan, Jeju-do, Gyeongju, and then up to Seoul for Vince's wedding. We even put in a "free" day in case we/they get too overwhelmed. It'll be my first time doing a trip without Beard here in Korea. I ain't squared, guido.

That's whats going on here. What about there in webworld? Anyone doing anything? Hmm?

1 comment:

Daejeon James said...

Thanks for the comment about the honeydew melons. I was glancing through your blog and read that you were from Bellingham? Washington? If so...interesting! I worked in Eatonville, WA last summer ..close to Puyallup(sp?)
Anyways nice blog.