Thursday, March 16, 2006


GRR!! when is it going to get warm and STAY WARM?! As many of you know I hate to be cold. Especially when I am inside. Outside during winter--understandable, I'm going to be a bit cold but most likely I'm on my way to somewhere warm. HOWEVER, my school is cold. I don't know why. Well, I do know why--the heater isn't ON. SO, today was going to be my dress up day--nice pants, nice button down shirt with a sweater. BUT, it's cold and rainy today and I know the heater will not be on, or will not heat up sufficiently till I'm about to leave. As such, I am going to wear my Beloit College sweatshirt and and jeans. Under the jeans I will be wearing the Cuddle duds Pamela sent. THANK YOU again by the way.

My cold is still there. It has faded a bit. I woke up able to breathe out of both nostrils at the same time--very nice. However, that has passed. I have more energy today than yesterday but I'm still not looking forward to going to work. I love the kids but it's hard to teach when you don't feel well. And when you have to face the board each time you blow your nose b/c it's considered rude to blow your nose in public.

WHEN WILL THE NOSE BLOWING END?! How many more rolls of toilet paper do I have to go through? WHY ME?!

whine whine whine

I AM going out tomorrow night. That's all there is to it. It's St. Patrick's Day and I have to drink beer--and possibly green soju.

time to get ready to teach

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